In the summer of 1898, Sequoia Owen accepts an invitation from his estranged uncle to visit his family’s summer home on Todeket, a private island off the Connecticut coast. Yet the house, constructed by Sequoia’s unstable grandfather and the site of his cousin’s mysterious death, is a strange place. None of his odd relatives, who seem to have sinister agendas of their own, can agree upon the origin of the house, nor do they all believe the sightings of a ghost that haunts its halls, said to appear before tragedy strikes. Trapped on the island by a storm, Sequoia must unravel the enigma of Todeket before the next life lost is his own.
Praise for The Island of Small Misfortunes
“A spellbinding symphony of suspense and sorrow. Embark on a voyage to The Island of Small Misfortunes, where ghosts and mysteries intertwine in a tale that will haunt your thoughts long after the final page.”
—Sara Crocoll Smith, editor of the award-winning Love Letters to Poe anthologies
“Jackson Kuhl performs a literary séance in The Island of Small Misfortunes, summoning forth the ghosts of America’s past, complete with all the mystery, fraud, and greed of a bygone era in which spiritualists were indistinguishable from the charlatans on Wall Street.”
—Marc E. Fitch, author of Dead Ends and Boy in the Box
“A tightly written tale that takes on themes of inheritance, memory, war, and ghosts, real and imagined.”
—Gevera Bert Piedmont, author of the Mickey Crow paranormal series